Alright, let’s cut the sh*t. The financial world today? Absolute chaos. Presidents are out here rug-pulling meme coins, while some 10-year-old is making generational wealth off fart tokens. If you ever thought about tossing The Intelligent Investor in the trash, you wouldn’t exactly be wrong.

Here’s the crazy part—it doesn’t matter if you play it safe or go full degen, you can still end up wrecked just the same. Grandpa hoarding gold in his bunker? Inflation just ate his savings alive. Some wild gambler threw his rent money into Pepe Coin? Boom—rug pulled into oblivion. Whether you’re careful or reckless, the market doesn’t give a f*ck.
Everyone is also day trading, selling courses—some with their real Lambos, while some with rented ones.
But what does that have to do with Bearman Brothers?
Finance isn’t just important—it’s actually f*cking fun.
It’s wild to me that schools still don’t teach basic finance. Even after two degrees and an MBA in asset management and financial markets, I still had to figure sh*t out the hard way. And that’s just f*cked.
So if you never really understood what went down in 2008, even tho you have watched the big short, but all you remember are Margot Robbie in the tub:

but you’ve only ever heard people mumble something about subprime mortgages and Lehman Brothers but never actually knew what it meant—I got you.
Or if you see investors calling themselves apes, degenerates on a the subreddit r/wallstreetbets, and screaming:
and you just don't get how these reatards were able to manage to completely f*ck over hedge funds and send billionaires into a meltdown and how come a guy called Roaring Kitty who dresses like this is considered the retail trader messiah:

If you’re sitting at a family dinner wondering why your nephew and your uncle are both yelling about XRP and you don’t even know if that’s a stock, a crypto, or a new type of energy drink, you’ll find the answer here.
This isn’t going to be some boring-ass finance blog where I give you daily market updates that feel like reading a suicide note for your brain. If you want to hear about ETF flows, S&P 500 resistance levels, and Federal Reserve policy decisions in monotone, go to Yahoo Finance or tune in to some finance bro on CNBC.
This will mainly be an objective and fun site to have fun and understand finance, investing and trading. You won’t come here for the:
"100% fUlL pRoOf tRaDiNg sTrAtEgY"
"yOu wIlL mAkE $1o.0o0 WitH tHiS oNe iNdIcAtOr"
that guarantees you’ll retire in six months. I’m not here to sell you a course or shove some boring daily market update down your throat.
I’m not here to bore you to death or sell you a course
What I am here to do is make sure you understand even the most complex financial concepts in a way that actually sticks. And if I can’t explain it clearly? F*ck it, I’ll give you all my tendies. (Don't worry in a week you will get this reference and laugh your *ss of at this)
You’ll learn the OG hardcore investing slang from the ‘70s, the kind that Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger built their empires on. Stuff like value investing, intrinsic value, REITs, Mr. Market, compound interest, efficient market theory, margin of safety, dividend growth investing, blue-chip stocks, the cigar-butt strategy, and dollar-cost averaging. It might sound intimidating now but you will fell in love with it I promise.
But you will also eread here about the degen memes that have kids on the street screaming “DIAMOND HANDS” like it’s a battle cry.

Because at the end of the day, finance isn’t just about making money—it’s about understanding how this insane, rigged, yet somehow beautiful system works. And if we’re going to play this game, we might as well enjoy it an play to win.
And Why Am I Qualified to Write About all these finance memes ?
Well, because I am not. just like everyone else out there. The markets, trading, the fiance memes and all this is chaos, and I might have a strong financial background and have the finance autism, but I am just as much a degenerate as everyone else. I tried a lot of shit, and I sure as hell won't stop. One time, Trump rug-pulled my coin, the other, I made a large bet on a no-name Brazilian oil firm with fundamental analysis, going through all their reports and translating them to English from Brazilian. And this bet ladies and gentlem hit harder than my mom with slippers when I was a kid. You win some, you lose some, but you sure learn some—or rather, a lot... So, my question is: are you in for this wild f*cking ride?
